If you need help or information please contact us on 01224 593381

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About Us

Thank you for visiting Grampian Women’s Aid – we understand that getting help is a big decision and we’re here to support you any way we can.

At Grampian Women’s Aid, we:

  • Will listen and believe you
  • Offer you confidential support and advice
  • Answer your questions honestly
  • Give you the information you need
  • Give you advice on how you and your children can stay safe
  • Provide temporary accommodation if you’re unable to stay in your home
  • Provide you with help and support for a better future

Whatever kind of abuse you’re being subjected to, you don’t need to put up with it. Don’t worry – we will never judge you and you can talk to us freely and confidentially.

No woman or child should be subjected to domestic abuse. If it is happening to you, please remember, it’s not your fault and we can help.

To access any of our services call 01224 593381 or email info@grampianwomensaid.com   or complete our online contact form here.

If you wish to refer a client to us please also contact us using these details.